East Coast Drive, Maps and Drivers Guide 2014
This year saw the launch of one of the biggest tourism initiatives in Ireland in decades with the opening of The Wild Atlantic Way. Ireland’s first long distance driving route.
There is no doubt that this will do wonders for visitor numbers to this region. To help balance the books a bit we have set about preparing our own East Coast Drive Maps and Drivers Guide. We hope to entice visitors to take on some portion of this East Coast drive from Malin Head to Rosslare.
We will be providing maps and Tourist / Drivers Guides free of charge to every:
- Tourist Office Hotel / Guest House
- Car Hire Company
- Boat Hire Company
The guides will have detailed maps and suggestions for visitors as they make their way along the route. They will include information on Where to Stay Where to eat Things to do Tourist Attractions Local heritage sights The guide are free but we have limited advertising space for you to promote your business / service.
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